objective: build cool shit, that matters!
Through the many projects I have been fortunate to work on I have developed some personal philosophies to the design process:
- Design without ego
- Build/assemble the first one of whatever you make
- Everyone brings something to the table
- Surround oneself with smarter more experienced people
- Collaborate with creative and excited people
- Stay focused and organized
I am trained as a mechanical engineer. Playing with electronics is a hobby. Understanding the interdependencies of mechatronic systems, designing highly loaded structural components - pushing the limits of material properties, tightly packaging all of these specifications within the tight constraints of an industrial design aesthetic while negotiating realistic manufacturing process tolerances - this is what I get paid to do.
In my "free time", however, I have a great deal of additional interests technical, and crafty. Often, my hobby projects are geared towards building new expertise, such that the technical interests may branch into career skills - a curriculum if you will:
- embedded systems, board layout, firmware development
- controls, trajectory planning, and optimization
- power electronics
- gardening
- fermentation and food preservation
- mountain biking
- political action
- making cool projects
I recently finished my PhD at MIT working in the Biomechatronics Group at the MIT Media Lab. To keep up on my current projects checkout my instagram: @matt.thematic, or you can find my LinkedIn profile. I am mighty busy, but I am still always interested in rad projects. If you're interested in collaborating I can be reached via email at: masstech.matt[at]gmail.com
- Carney, Matthew E. (2020) "Design and Evaluation of a Reaction Force Series Elastic Actuator Configurable as Biomimetic Powered Ankle and Knee Prostheses." PhD Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Carney, Matthew (2015) "Discrete Cellular Lattice Assembly." Masters Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Carney, Matthew (2008) “A Multi-Axial Tribo-System: Developing a Rolling, Sliding, and Rotation Tribological Testing Machine for Assessment of Total Joint Replacements.” Masters Thesis, University of California Berkeley.
- Shu, Tony; Shallal, Chris; Chun, Ethan; Shah, Aashini; Bu, Angel; Levine, Daniel; Yeon, Song Ho; Carney, Matthew;Song, Hyungeun; Hsieh, Tsung-Han; Herr, Hugh M., “Modulation of Prosthetic Ankle Plantarflexion Through Direct Myoelectric Control of a Subject-Optimized Neuromuscular Model.“ in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 7620-7627, July 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3183762.
- Carney, Matthew E., T. Shu, R. Stolyarov, J. F. Duval and H. M. Herr, "Design and Preliminary Results of a Reaction Force Series Elastic Actuator for Bionic Knee and Ankle Prostheses," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 542-553, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TMRB.2021.3098921.
- E. A. Rogers, M. E. Carney, S. H. Yeon, T. R. Clites, D. Solav and H. M. Herr, "An Ankle-Foot Prosthesis for Rock Climbing Augmentation," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2020.3033474, 2020.
- Stolyarov, Roman, Carney, Matthew E., and H. M. Herr, “"Accurate Heuristic Terrain Prediction in Powered Lower-Limb Prostheses Using Onboard Sensors," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 384-392, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TBME.2020.2994152.
- Carney, Matthew E., and H. M. Herr, “"Electric-Energetic Consequences of Springs in Lower-Extremity Powered Prostheses on Varied Terrain," 2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), New York City, NY, USA, 2020, pp. 989-996, doi: 10.1109/BioRob49111.2020.9224458.
- Tyler R. Clites Matthew J. Carty, Jessica B. Ullauri, Matthew E. Carney, Luke M. Mooney, Jean-François Duval, Shriya S. Srinivasan and Hugh. M. Herr, "Proprioception from a neurally controlled lower-extremity prosthesis." Science Translational Medicine, May 30, 2018.
- Stolyarov, Roman, Carney, Matthew E., and H. M. Herr, “Automatic Incremental Learning of Terrain Transitions in a Powered Below Knee Prosthesis,” EngrXiv, DOI 10.31224/osf.io/zn3wf, 2020.
- Carney, Matthew, and Benjamin Jenett. "Relative Robots: Scaling Automated Assembly of Discrete Cellular Lattices." Proceedings of the 2016 Manufacturing Science, and Engineering Conference, June 2016. MSEC2016-8837
- Gershenfeld, N., Carney, M., Jenett, B., Calisch, S. and Wilson, S. (2015), Macrofabrication with Digital Materials: Robotic Assembly. Archit. Design, 85: 122–127. doi:10.1002/ad.1964
- Patten, Eli W., Carney, Matthew, "A Multi-Directional Tribo-System: Testing the Wear of UHMWPE under Sliding, Rolling and Rotation." ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 2011. SBC2011-53616
Patents - Issued
- Herr, Hugh M., Carney, Matthew E., Rogers, Emily, Du, Lucy, (2022)"Neural Efferent and Afferent Control of Spring Equilibrium, Damping, and Power in Backdrivable and Non-Backdrivable Series Elastic Actuators Comprising Variable Series Stiffness Mechanisms." US Patent 11,278,235
- Langford, William, Carney, Matthew, Jenett, Benjamin, Gershenfeld, Neil (2018) "Discrete Assemblers Utilizing Conventional Motion Systems." US Patent 10,155,313
- Carney, Matthew, Jenett, Benjamin, Gershenfeld, Neil (2018) "Digital Material Assembly by Passive Means and Modular Isotropic Lattice Extruder Systems." US Patent 10,145,110.
- Magnusson, L., Carney, M., Edsinger, A., Weber, J., & Mullins, P., "Low Cost Block and Tackle Robot Transmission." US Patent 10,018,256.
- Carney, Matthew, Jenett, Benjamin, Gershenfeld, Neil (2016) "Digital Material Assembly by Passive Means and Modular Isotropic Lattice Extruder Systems." US Patent 9,809,977.
- Carney, Matthew, Edsinger, Aaron (2013) "Embedded Encoder for an Outrunner Brushless Motor." US Patent 9,509,195.
Patents - Applications
- 2020 Carney, Matthew E., Cantrell, Aaron, Brown, Philip, Horsey, Jake, Jarrell, Jesse, Wang, Che-Wei, Carlberg, David, Whalen, Stephanie, "Modular Reusable Elastomeric Half-Face Respirator." US Patent Application No. 63/057,695 (2020).
- 2020 Herr, Hugh M., Handford, Matthew L., Williams, Chris C., Carney, Matthew E. "Computer-Controlled Ankle-Foot Prosthesis with Series J-Spring Actuation" US Patent Application No. 63/117,395 (2020).
- 2020 Marcus, Beth, Collins, Theodore, Churchill, Phil, Carney, Matthew E., "Dynamically Altering an External Geometry of Body-wearable Actuatable Components" US Patent Application No. 63/064,474 (2020).
- 2018 Herr, Hugh M., Carney, Matthew E., Rogers, Emily, Yeon, Seong Ho, Stolyarov, Roman, "Neural Efferent and Afferent Control of Spring Equilibrium, Damping, and Power in Backdrivable and Non-Backdrivable Series-Elastic Actuators Comprising Variable Series Stiffness Mechanisms." US Patent Application No. 62/749,230(2018).
- 2018 Herr, Hugh M., Moerman, Kevin M., Solav, Dana, Ranger, Bryan J., Steinmeyer, Rebecca, Ku, Stephanie Lai, Carney, Matthew, Dagdeviren, Canan, "Quantitative Design And Manufacturing Framework For A Biomechanical Interface Contacting A Biological Body Segment." US Patent Application 62/629,528
- 2017 Herr, Hugh M., Stolyarov, Roman, Mooney, Luke M., Carney, Matthew, Taylor, Cameron, "Kinetic Sensing, Signal Generation, Feature Extraction, And Pattern Recognition For Control Of Autonomous Wearable Leg Devices." US Patent Application 2017/347,666
- 2015 Fracchia, Charles, Carney, Matthew, Jacobson, Joe, "Methods and Apparatus for Pipetting." US Patent Application 2015/083706
- 2014 Peek, Nadya, Langford, William, Gershenfeld, Neil, Carney, Matthew, "Discrete Motion System." US Patent Application 2014/199,698
- 2006 Carney, Matthew, "Energy Capture in Flowing Fluids." U.S. Patent Application Number 11/509,667. 25 August 2006.
- (2020)
- (2020)
- MIT Media Lab Article on Open Standard Respirator
- (2020)Solidworks: Born to Design
- (2020)ASME Techcast
- 3D Experience World Live Interview(2020)
- The National - Amtrak Magazine (2018)
- MIT Innovators Interview (2018)
- Soundsphere Magazine Radio Interview (2018)
- 3D Experience World(2021)
- 3D Experience World Preview(2021)
- 3D Experience World (2020)
- EmTech France (2017): MIT Technology Review
- FabLab Festival (2017): Prostheses: robotic design, personal fabrication
- Alpbach European Forum Technology Symposium (2016): Cybernetics in Advanced Energy and Production Systems
Some media coverage:
- Oesterreich Radio ORF Article: Eine Maschine, die alles kann
- Oesterreich Radio ORF Podcast: Eine Maschine, die (fast) alles bauen kann
- Alpbach Forum Buzz: An automatic future by design
- TEDx Beacon Street (2014):
- Solidworks Master Modeling Tutorial @MIT Media Lab