Redbull Trophies
(2012 - 2012)
Jeff Tiedeken at Monkey Likes Shiny and I have been collaborating on various projects over the past year. Unfortunately, we can't show off the most badass work we have done together as it is currently classified proprietary. Nonetheless, Jeff and I have managed to understand eachother's abilities and leverage them to build really, really cool things.
In this venture Jeff scored a gig designing the trophies for the 2012 Red Bull Rampage Mountain Bike Competition. He came to me with initial sketches of his ideas. I then threw out some ideas of build strategies and we worked together to get the feel we wanted from the parts. I then touched up the designs in CAD and sent them off to the laser cutter. Jeff completed the assembly and delivered the trophies to the event in Virgin, UT.
As it turns out, Jeff pulled in a handful of Redbull trophies over the past year and I ended up giving him a hand with a bunch of them. Who knew that Redbull puts on so many events! The events included: Trainings Grounds (video game champions ships), America's Cup (Youth), Schlittentag, Rampage, etc. As usual, he had a rough idea of what he wanted and then we bounced ideas off of eachother until we came up with a plan. Then I did the CAD and he did the FAB.